To get the checkbox value, you check if it is checked and assign a reference value, e.g.: [x] Beer:
String valores;
valores += "1";
If you have another check you add the values, but then you say: As this 1 can identify which beer was marked, as has more checkbox the string can be : values = "12354"; then as each value represents an item, you do:
//Isso aqui na outra activity
//cerveja tava marcado
But if you want to get the text of the checkbox you do:
String valor = checkbox.getText().toString();
To pass values between activitys you use this:
Intent it = new Intent(context, proximaAcitivy.class);
//Cada chave deve ser unica
it.putExtra("chave", valor);
In the other Activity to recover you do:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Intent intent = getIntent();
String text = intent.getStringExtra("chave");
About the prices, every check of which checkbox is marked, you save the values and passes to another Activity and the sum with the next value, makes the msm in the next until you arrive at the last