Invalid credentials provided


Viewed 116 times


When creating an app on Heroku, I received this message

 C:\Users\alex.jose.silva\Documents\demo2 (master -> origin)
    λ heroku create appSpring1
    Creating ⬢ appSpring1... !
     !    Invalid credentials provided.
     !    EPERM: EPERM: operation not permitted, open 'C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU\SSH\_netrc'

how to correct this error?

  • See if this resolves:

  • As his last questions are identical in content, I have pointed out the others as copies of this one, which was most well received. I didn’t understand why I asked three identical questions, it was a mistake?

  • I was a mistake. I will delete the previous ones.

  • Possible duplicate of Heroku login error on Windows cmd

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