Develop IOS on Windows


Viewed 1,688 times


Is it necessary to have a Mac to develop an IOS application? I own Windows. Is there any way to program an Ios application on that system?

  • 2

    Related or duplicated: Also:

  • 2

    Possible duplicate of C# Mobile Development Needs Mac?

  • There are alternatives. Unity 3D you program the game once and run everywhere (not literally like that, but almost). Codenameone, Gluon and Totalcross are alternatives for those who like Java. It has "hybrid development", as they call it, with Ionic using HTML5 to run on multiple platforms

  • Possible duplicate of App development for iOS devices

1 answer


Unfortunately, it’s not possible. You could try a "Hackintosh" - PC running a modified version of macOS, but it’s risky and the development and emulation software are the most annoying in relation to the environment. Buying a semi-new Mac on the Free Market is an option to consider.

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