Return last index of Array


Viewed 1,913 times


I have the following code that will bring me an undetermined list; for example 5 items. I would like to return only the last item from the list.

for(var i = 0; i < data.list.length; i++){

      if(Date.parse(data.list[i].date) >= dateA){


3 answers


Given that the array starts at 0, you just have to access the position related to the size of the array minus one:

const valores = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

console.log("O último valor é:", valores[valores.length - 1]);

This way you do not depend on third party libraries and do not modify the array original, always accessing the last value with a time O(1), that is, constant regardless of the size of the array.

  • the last of the date.list[i], look in my codeThat will list only the dates larger than today’s date for example day 28/03 and 30/03 and I want to get the 30/03 that is last in the list

  • @Fernandoantunes then, just analyze the logic and adapt it to your need. If you need the last element of a array, that’s how it does it, regardless of what the array.


Seeing that his list is an array, you don’t even need to loop for to return the last item, just use the method reverse() and take the first index [0]:

var data = {
   list: [
         date: "2018/01/10"
         date: "2018/01/09"
         date: "2018/05/01"

console.log(data.list.reverse()[0].date); // retorna o último valor: 2018/05/01

Can use .pop() also:

var data = {
   list: [
         date: "2018/01/10"
         date: "2018/01/09"
         date: "2018/05/01"

console.log(data.list.pop().date); // retorna o último valor: 2018/05/01

Note: the problem is that the .pop() will also remove the last item from the array. So do not use it if you want to maintain the integrity of the array.

  • i need to return only the last index of that within the data.list[i]. date not of the data.list

  • The last of each index?

  • the last of the date.list[i], look in my codeThat will list only the dates larger than today’s date for example day 28/03 and 30/03 and I want to get the 30/03 that is last in the list

  • Got confused because in the for you put data.list.length, that is, is looking for an item within data.list


You can use _.last as explained here:

data = [1,2,3]
last = _.last(data)
  • A curiosity: what would be the _?

  • @dvd is basically the equivalent of $ jQuery from the library loadash. A namespace object for library functions.

  • @Andersoncarloswoss humm... I tried to rotate here and gave Uncaught ReferenceError: _ is not defined

  • @Andersoncarloswoss Ah tah.. I looked at the link indicated... is a library...

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