How to customize the access denied url? (spring social facebook)


Viewed 47 times


In class Providersignincontroller We have the method oauth2ErrorCallback. When the user cancels the authorization on facebook he is redirected to:


I need to customize this url, how can I do this?

I need to redirect to a custom page of mine.

1 answer


For now I am overwriting the Providersignincontroller class, but my feeling tells me that this is not the best solution

class MyProviderSignInController extends ProviderSignInController {
    private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyProviderSignInController.class);

    private String urlToOauth2ErrorCallback;

    public MyProviderSignInController(ConnectionFactoryLocator connectionFactoryLocator,
            UsersConnectionRepository usersConnectionRepository, SignInAdapter signInAdapter) {
        super(connectionFactoryLocator, usersConnectionRepository, signInAdapter);

    public void defineUrlToOauth2ErrorCallback(String urlToOauth2ErrorCallback) {
        this.urlToOauth2ErrorCallback = urlToOauth2ErrorCallback;

    @RequestMapping(value = "/{providerId}", method = RequestMethod.GET, params = "error")
    public RedirectView oauth2ErrorCallback(@PathVariable String providerId, @RequestParam("error") String error,
            @RequestParam(value = "error_description", required = false) String errorDescription,
            @RequestParam(value = "error_uri", required = false) String errorUri, NativeWebRequest request) {
        log.warn("Error during authorization: " + error);

        if (urlToOauth2ErrorCallback != null) {
            return new RedirectView(urlToOauth2ErrorCallback, false);

        return super.oauth2ErrorCallback(providerId, error, errorDescription, errorUri, request);


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