Make sure that the controller has a parameterless public constructor


Viewed 187 times


I’m getting this error after giving deploy(AWS) of my WebApi.


<ExceptionMessage> An error occurred when trying to create a controller of type 'LivroController'. Make sure that the controller has a parameterless public constructor. </ExceptionMessage>

Man controller:

public class LivroController : BaseODataController<Livro>
  public LivroController() : base()

My Base OdataController:

public class BaseODataController<TEntity> : ODataController, 
IBaseController<TEntity> where TEntity : class
    private readonly IRepositoryBase<TEntity> Repository;

    public BaseODataController()
        Repository = new RepositoryBase<TEntity>();

    public IList<TEntity> Get()
        return Repository.Get().ToList();

I already put an empty constructor in LivroController, but it remains the same error.

Image with complete error: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Already compared whether the local. net and AWS versions are identical?

  • 1

    Yes, I took the local tests and I went up myself.

  • Works perfectly locally published? Or works perfectly in DEBUG?

  • works perfectly when I am debugging, when I send to the server error happens

  • Tries to make a builder for Livrocontroller by calling the base: public LivroController() : base () {}

  • did not work @Gabrielcoletta, I also edited the question with the constructor, and includes an image with all the error.

  • 1

    @Vinicius Leia at all times to Inner Exception more existing internal. See that the error says: "The Provider for invariant name Mysql.Data.Mysqlclient is specified Multiple times [...]"

  • @LINQ thanks for the tip and the response here

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