How to select only the largest drive in Sql?


Viewed 250 times


I am in need of a help to search for the last move in the stock of each product. It happens that in the clause I made, he is returning me all sales related to that product, and I only need the last... Sales are ordered by id. I have drafted the following code:

SELECT, produto.gtin, produto.descricao, estoque.saldo_atual, estoque.loja 
FROM produto 
INNER JOIN estoque ON ( = estoque.id_produto_empresa)
WHERE estoque.loja = '16'                       
ORDER BY produto.descricao ASC

This Query is returning me all the moves of each item, however I need that for each gtin, be displayed the largest ID.


id 766 gtin 004778 descricao AGITADOR BWC06A/BWG10A/WL09A/CWE06A/B/CWL08C-NF

id 2721 gtin 000672 descricao ALCOOL METILICO 500ML

Print Retorno do banco I really appreciate anyone who can help me.

3 answers


Assuming the product identification, is just the gtin, you can use rank with Partition:

rank() OVER (PARTITION BY produto.gtin ORDER BY desc)

ps. Sort by sale number, you will have trouble with that.

Fselect by ranking "sales" downwards. That is, the last sale ( is the right sale?) will be 0. Then you select from this table, all records where the rank is 0.


With tabela as (
    rank() OVER (PARTITION BY produto.gtin ORDER BY desc) as i
FROM produto 
INNER JOIN estoque ON ( = estoque.id_produto_empresa)
WHERE estoque.loja = '16')

select * from tabela where i = 0;

ps. It’s running well here, if you can test and give feedback. If you can do Sqlfiddle it also helps.

  • 1

    I got it here and posted it on Sqlfiddle (! 17/76aabc/5)

  • 1

    I did not know this RANK function, I will give a studied in it, thank you very much for the effort in helping me, really


Make a subquery that returns all desired stock Ids using max(), grouping by what they have in common, which from what I understood from your question is the id_produto. You can even already filter the store to generate a smaller recordset and streamline the query ahead. As for example:

select * from estoque 
where id in (select max(id) from estoque where loja = 16 group by id_produto);

Or, avoiding the use of in and making join for best performance:

select * from estoque e1 join
  (select max(id) as id from estoque where loja = 16 group by id_produto) e2 
  on =

This would result in a stock id (the largest, or most recent) for every product in that store:

| id | id_produto | loja |
|  4 |          2 |   16 |
|  5 |          3 |   16 |
|  8 |          1 |   16 |
|  9 |          4 |   16 |

Finally, just stick this filtered stock in your query that makes join with the product table to pick up descriptions, etc. I suggest using CTE with with, that makes the whole thing much more readable:

with e as (
  select, e1.id_produto, e1.loja from estoque e1 join
    (select max(id) as id from estoque 
     where loja = 16 group by id_produto) e2
    on =
from produto p join e on = e.id_produto;

It would return to you something like:

| id | gtin | descricao | loja |
|  8 | 0001 | Produto a |   16 |
|  4 | 0002 | Produto b |   16 |
|  5 | 0003 | Produto c |   16 |
|  9 | 0004 | Produto d |   16 |

The following is an example in SQL Fiddle:! 17/c67dd/4

In this fiddle you can see that I set up a simplified schema, but based on what you presented by your question. If there’s anything that doesn’t fit in your schema, I suggest you post a fiddle with a sample of the data so we can perform more reliable tests.

  • I thank you from my heart. It helped me a lot to find the way. I posted here the solution based on what you informed me and everything went well, I am very grateful.! 17/76aabc/5


Test like this:

SELECT produto.gtin, produto.descricao, 
  (SELECT max( 
    FROM estoque 
    WHERE estoque.id_produto_empresa = AS estoque_id, 
  estoque.saldo_atual, estoque.loja 
FROM produto 
INNER JOIN estoque ON ( = estoque.id_produto_empresa) 
WHERE estoque.loja = '16'
GROUP BY produto.descricao
ORDER BY produto.descricao ASC

If possible, place your structure on SQL Fiddle.

  • 1

    he wants the last stock move, ie the current stock. Your query will return the highest value you have ever had in stock

  • 1

    Jeez, I got the biggest move ! Edited. Apologies !

  • Thank you very much for the effort, here I followed the logic of max and solved like this: SELECT, product.gtin, product.Description, stock.Current FROM Product INNER JOIN Stock ON ( = stock.id_product) Where max(id) from stock and Where ) GROUP BY, product.gtin, product.Description, stock.saldo_current ORDER BY product.Description ASC Thank you very much for your help, you saved me here in the company.

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