Is it possible to compile an app using Java and Kotlin together?


Viewed 452 times


Can I be part of the code in Java and another part with Kotlin? Can anyone tell me?

  • 1

    Hypothetically yes. Kotlin works on top of the JVM, so you can call things from Java in Kotlin

1 answer


Yes, you can. It is a feature propagated by Google that the new Android language is interoperable with Java; you can create a class in Java and another in Kotlin, each one will be compiled to a file .class, and one can call the other in the code (Kotlin call Java or Java call Kotlin).

You can even gradually adopt Kotlin in your Java code, that is, exchange a Java class for the same class written in Kotlin, and so on.


  • I get it, thank you. That actually I started backwards, I studied Kotlin when it launched and now that I’m seeing the java syntax. But you answered my question already. Thank you.

  • 2

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