How do I share data across multiple apps?


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I have apps A, B, C and D and I need to share data from these apps, for a specific app (And)

(Basically login data, to log in automatically. As Messenger does, retrieving access data from Facebook). ao abrir, ele já identifica que estou logado com o facebook e sugere o auto-login

Thus the app And will only receive data from other applications when prompted. I have seen and been able to share data between two applications by Sharedpreferences recovering the package context with createPackageContext. But I have more than these 4 apps, and specify the context of all apps in the app And becomes unviable.

I wanted to know another way to share this data and log in.

  • Web Service would not help your problem?

  • @L.Falousk In theory yes, but it would involve other employees of the company, and I am looking for an alternative that does not involve API at the moment. Thanks for the suggestion!

  • Content Provider would be the path:

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