Transform: Translate is compatible with which browsers?


Viewed 33 times


Example of use works well in modern browsers the doubt is in which versions will not be compatible.

<h2 style="position: absolute;top: 50%;left: 50%;transform: translate(-50%, -50%); color:orange;">Centralizado</h2>

2 answers


According to, this is the current situation:

Gráfico do Can I Use

Note that this graphic is from 2D Transforms as a whole, which includes Translate.

The items marked with [1] do not support CSS Transform in SVG

Still, you can see this:

  • Below the FF42, the transform-origin does not work in SVG either. In IE9 the Caret of a textarea disappears when you use Translate.

  • In Android 2.3 the scale does not affect the background.



According to the MDN:

| Feature       | Chrome        | Firefox (Gecko)            | Internet Explorer | Opera         | Safari     |
| Basic support | (Yes) -webkit | 3.5 (1.9.1)-moz16.0 (16.0) | 9.0 -ms10.0       | 10.5-o12.5    | 3.1-webkit |
| 3D Support    | 12.0-webkit   | 10.0-moz16.0 (16.0)        | 10.0              | Não suportado | 4.0-webkit |

Note that for some versions you need to use -XXXX (ex: -Webkit)

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