Repeatless attribute (Unique) with Entity Framework?


Viewed 219 times


I’m creating a model with two attributes that can’t be repeated, one GUID and a string.

To make the string (is not the primary key - the primary key is the GUID) a field unique should I wear HasIndex(x => x.Atributo).IsUnique();?

If not, how to do it?

  • Which EF version you are using?

1 answer


Whereas you are using Entity Framework 6`, you would have two options.

"Fluent Api", which would be the example of your question. That is, yes you can and at my view should create a Unique Key, as in your example:


The second way would be Data Annotation Attribute, is an option but I don’t like it because I work with "POCO" classes, and these attributes polououem the code. But it would look like this.

Supposing your property is called X

[Index( "INDEX_x", IsUnique=true )]
public string x {get;set;}

Asking the answer to inform that the solution also works for EF Core.

  • Blz! Thank you Rodrigo!!!

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  • 1

    You could complete your answer by saying that the solution is for Entity Framework 6 and Core: see link:

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