Add all my modified files per command line to bitbucket


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I have a Solution with several projects. I made the appropriate changes and now I need to go up to the git(bitbucket). By Visual Studio 2017 is not going, I think my machine is bugged. So, I want to do this by command line. I have this folder structure:

C: Project for Sale

The above path I added in git this way:

C: Project Sale>git init

Well, inside the Sale folder I have my Solution Vendasite and the appropriate folders and projects. I made several changes. Now I need to upload all this to the Repository. Reading, I understood that the command add is for file, soon would have to climb one by one, or got it wrong? Now I ask: How do I move up the whole project?

OBS: I have the master and the branch I created called *Alteravalorvenda. I checked out this branch like this:

C: Project Sale>git checkout Alteravalorvenda

Which command do I give to move the whole project up? Doing so I could not

C: Project Sale>git add .

and then the git commit, didn’t go up.

1 answer


You switched to the business Alteravalorvenda, made the changes, then used git add . (this command accepts wildcards and even more than one file per line) and then git commit, correct? You used the git push to upload your local repository changes to the remote?

One other thing, use git log --oneline --decorate --all --graph to make sure that your commit was properly saved (it should be in the list) as well as checking the status of your remote repository (in red) and local (in green).

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