Paralax image does not appear apple device (IOS)


Viewed 175 times


Good afternoon, you guys.

I developed a website for my girlfriend, and when I open it on an iphone, the image paralax does not appear, it gets blurry.

Android devices, notebook and Desktop is running normal.

1 answer


The problem is because the background-attachment: fixed; has no support in Safari (already taken care of the subject in this answer). That’s why the image stays in full size, ignoring the background-size: cover;.

What you can do is add a script to keep the background fixed. The result in iOS Safari may not be 100%, but it solves the image issue.

The script is this:

document.addEventListener("scroll", function(){
   document.querySelector("#paralax").style.backgroundPosition = 'center '+window.pageYOffset+'px';

And in CSS, delete the background-attachment: fixed;.

See how it looks on iPhone 3GS:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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