How to separate a number into two


Viewed 654 times


How could I separate a number with decimals into two other numbers? The idea is as follows: when entering a number in the terminal, for example 125.69, when passing the number to the code pull the first two boxes (decimals 69) to a variable, and the real number (125) to another variable.

package eng_software;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class alg {

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
    double valorEntrada = sc.nextDouble();

I need to know the type of command to split the number and send it to other variables.

3 answers


double real = Math.floor(valorEntrada);
double frac = valorEntrada % 1;
  • Very good solution, clean and simple to understand!

  • 1

    @Carlosheuberger Yes, the question is not clear. If there are always two decimal places, one can do int x = (int) (valorEntrada * 100); int real = x / 100; int frac = x % 100;. But the question does not make very clear the purpose.


This particular case can be worked with strings. I don’t really like the floating point alternative to make a response due to the problem with floating points.

So, how to solve the problem? Well, reading a string. And working with string. And staying only in string.

Whereas the return is a class object PartesNumero with the fields String parteInteira and String parteDecimal, we could make the following builder:

public PartesNumero(String numeroCompleto) {
  String partes[] = numeroCompleto.split("[^0-9]");

  if ("".equals(partes[0]) {
    this.parteInteira = 0; // fallback para entradas como ".75"
  } else {
    this.parteInteira = partes[0];
  if (partes.length > 1) {
    this.parteDecimal = partes[1];
  } else {
    this.parteDecimal = "";

And to read a string input (not validating its type, however):

Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
String entrada =;

The complete program then would be:

public class Main {
  public class PartesNumero {
    public final String parteInteira;
    public final String parteDecimal;

    public PartesNumero(String numeroCompleto) {
      String partes[] = numeroCompleto.split("[^0-9]");

      if ("".equals(partes[0]) {
        this.parteInteira = 0; // fallback para entradas como ".75"
      } else {
        this.parteInteira = partes[0];
      if (partes.length > 1) {
        this.parteDecimal = partes[1];
      } else {
        this.parteDecimal = "";

  public static void main(String []args) {
    Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
    String entrada =;
    PartesNumero partes = new PartesNumero(entrada);


 double x = 125.69;
    double decimal = x % 1;
    double inteiro = x - decimal;
    System.out.println("Decimal: "+decimal);
    System.out.println("Inteiro: "+inteiro);

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