Problems with virtual keyboard typing Firemonkey Android


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I have an application running on Android devices (5, 6 and 7) and presents a problem typing words - different from autocomplete - because it simply repeats letters randomly. This same problem already occurred in Delphi XE8. I tried some suggestions to change the keyboard (Keyboardtype = Alphabet), but without success. Any tips? Grateful!

2 answers


I had the same problem as you using the Delphi XE7, I went through several tests and realized that none of the KeyBoardType did not solve, Alphabet uses the suggestions of the virtual keyboard Android. Both the mobile keyboard and Gboard (Google keyboard) did not work.

I tested with the KeyBoardType = Alphabet but with the option Password checked, if you notice it does not use keyboard suggestions and was no longer repeating the letters that by the way to me would solve, but there is a however, with the option Password checked it only appears symbols and even with the button to have the possibility to view what is being typed did not help.

So I had to make a small change. Research by Unit FMX.Platform.Android responsible for Android Keyboard controls among other things. Make a copy of this Unit and paste it into your project folder and declare it in the project uses, to start picking up the Unit changes.

With Unit open function search EnterControl and HandleVK where the following call exists


change to


it will activate the Password option without the keyboard suggestions and with the possibility to view what are being typed without having a button to do it. For me resolved.

  • 1

    Excellent solution @Jeffersonrudolf. Solved the problem efficiently. Thanks for your help!

  • 1

    @dvdmengarda Thanks, if the answer was of great help, you can mark the answer. Hugs!

  • Great tip! That’s what I’ve been waiting for


I took all commands from Edit events running in time typing: change and tracking and put the keyboard Alphabet and solved. The user types and clicks on the magnifying glass that locates instead of locating while type. For me it solved because when updating the FMX asked for other FMX.

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