I have a somewhat complex question and I need help:
I have a database with the following links:
Exemplifying: I am in the history class about Karl Marx. This class is linked to a certain group of Karl Marx’s "subject" which has a 100 question bank. However, of those 100, I already answered 50 ("questoes_control").
The purpose of the problem is: Generate only 5 random questions according to the selected class that I have not yet answered (each question has 5 answers).
arrived in query:
SELECT aulas.nomeaula,
FROM aulas
INNER JOIN aulas_has_assuntos ON (aulas.idaulas = aulas_has_assuntos.aulas_idaulas)
INNER JOIN assuntos ON (aulas_has_assuntos.assuntos_idassuntos = assuntos.idassuntos)
LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM assuntos_has_questoes WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM questao_control WHERE assuntos_has_questoes.questoes_idquestoes = questao_control.questoes_idquestoes AND questao_control.usuarios_idusuarios=1) ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 5) a ON (aulas_has_assuntos.assuntos_idassuntos = a.assuntos_idassuntos)
LEFT JOIN questoes ON (a.questoes_idquestoes = questoes.idquestoes)
LEFT JOIN respostas ON (questoes.idquestoes = respostas.questoes_idquestoes)
WHERE aulas.idaulas=2070
Any idea?