Limit on sending messages


Viewed 138 times


I’m creating a system that has a confirmed criminal record. I’ve been researching some of the lodgings and I saw that some or almost all of the ones I researched had a limit on sending messages: there is a hosting that limits up to 200 emails/hour; another 500 emails/hour.

So how do I do if there are 1000 registrations per hour, it means that 800 or 500 people who registered will NOT receive the registration confirmation email?

Would a VPS Server solve the problem or I misunderstood the upload limit?

Note: I used the class "phpmailer" to send messages.

  • It depends on the company that provides the VPS. If you need to work with many shipments, I recommend using tools for bulk shipping, for example

  • Are you really going to keep track of 1,000 new records an hour? If so and if you need to keep the server restricted you can store the emails, and make a cron to send them.

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