Create expressions in strings


Viewed 59 times


Suppose I have the following string:

const str = `Eu sou

@if (1 + 1 === 2):
  um dois


How do I execute expressions like that if?
I don’t want a solution to exactly that problem, just the right way to do it.

2 answers


You can use the function val(). This function evaluates javascript code stored in string.

In your case:

const str = 'if (1 + 1 === 2) {alert(\'um dois\');}';


  • Snippet of code did not work. An error was released.

  • It is because your code is giving error. I have updated with a javascript code that makes an Alert.



Since you use it const then you can do something like this:

const str = `Eu sou ${1 + 1 === 2 ? 'um dois' : 'nao sou'}!`;

In other more advanced cases I recommend you use some template language in JS like Handlebars.js -

  • It also doesn’t solve my problem. I want to know how to do that (code snippet above) work...

  • Dude, that chunk of code is not Javascript, there’s no @if or @endif syntax in Javascript, it can’t work. You’ll have to adapt your code "chunk" to something Javascript understands OR adapt to some handlebar template language.

  • Yeah. Handlebars wasn’t a "language" either until it was written. Basically, what I want to do is create a kind of visualization engine (view engine) and I would like to know how to interpret the expressions (as a if) which are in a string (as in the "chunk" I provided above).

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