How to go back to the previous page with physical smartphone button - Ionic


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How do I allow the physical button come back of the mobile carries out a certain function in the Ionic 3? (In this case, a function that makes the application open the home page)

  • You want to change the default function of the back button?

  • @Israelmerljak In fact, the only function it performs in my app (the button physical) is to close the app on any page that is, I would like it to exercise the most "common" function of it which is to go back to the previous page of the app.

  • Strange that. maybe it’s the way of navigation you’re using, because usually the functionality is just this, remove the current view and go to the previous one.. of a read in the Ionic documentation on the service Platform

  • So I’m using Native Transitions, maybe that’s why. Anyway, is there any way to make the physical button have utility that I even wish with the way of browsing other than default?

1 answer


Good afternoon Teiji, you can use the Platform service, with it you can register the action of the button with a function, for example:

export class AnyPage{

  constructor(private navCtrl: NavController,
              private platform: Platform) {
    this.platform.registerBackButtonAction(() => {

From that moment, whenever you press the physical button of the phone, it will run the this.navCtrl.pop(), but I don’t know if using Native Transitions the Navcontroller action will be useful.

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