after creating the Hosted zone, with your domain name, create entries of type CNAME and A, for the PUBLIC DNS and IP of your VM, example:
The public DNS and IP you take in the EC2 panel right after you created the VM
Now within the VM, you need to of course create a web environment, you can choose to Nginx or apache, dai ja é outra questão....
Also don’t forget to change the DNS of your domain, to the DNS addresses created by Route53, and wait for the propagation, which can take up to 24 hours.
I believe that I have forgotten to put the entries CNAME and A, the rest ta blza, I have the iis as web server and redirected the dns in the domain.
– Alan Lira
ah so I guess I just missed it, forehead and, good luck
– William Borba
how much CNAME input I try to create only with the domain name appears this error: "Rrset of type CNAME with DNS name is not permitted at Apex in zone"
– Alan Lira
posé i erred, edited the answer, the CNAME is for names and not IP’s, replace by public DNS of your vm, la no Route53
– William Borba
Taking advantage of the doubt, William Borba, can explain to me the difference of the entry of the type A to the entry of the type CNAME. When I use each one of them?
– Douglas Cristhian
CNAME(Canonical name) are used for subdominios, in the case "www" is a domain of "" and type A entries are for pure domain IP, is the q I know, thus, more or less rs
– William Borba