Format a string for phone format


Viewed 3,627 times


I have the following string "49988070405" and I want to format it for "(49) 98807-0405".

I tried the code:

Convert.ToUInt64("49988070405").ToString(@"\(00\)\ 00000\-0000");

But to no avail

3 answers


You can do it this way:

long.Parse("49988070405").ToString(@"(00) 00000-0000"); // (49) 98807-0405

Another example, using extensions:

using System;

public static class Program
    public static void Main()
        var phoneString = "49988070405";

        Console.WriteLine(phoneString.FormatPhoneNumber()); // (49) 98807-0405

        var phone = 49988070405;

        Console.WriteLine(phone.FormatPhoneNumber()); // (49) 98807-0405

    public static string FormatPhoneNumber(this long number) {
        return number.ToString(@"(00) 00000-0000");

    public static string FormatPhoneNumber(this string number) {
        return long.Parse(number).FormatPhoneNumber();

See examples working on . NET Fiddle.

  • The first way was enough, but it is strange that there is no more direct way to do it. First I had to convert the string for long, then to string again to be able to format.

  • @Matheussaraiva Because this is the right one, what you want to convert is a number, and C# is a strongly typed language, so it makes no sense to use a string to store a number. Is there any reason why the number really needs to be a string? 'Cause the right thing would be for you to already have it as long.


You can do the following, follow an example:

String.Format("{0:(###) ###-####}", 8005551212);

Which has as a result:

(800) 555-1212
  • But I want the result (49) 98807-0405, I tried that example there, it didn’t work.


You can use the following:

string phone = "49988070405"
string formatted = string.Format("{0:(##) #####-####}", phone);

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