I have two forms on the same page (well separated by html tags) and I need to take the data of both for my PHP script. Since I am brand new in PHP and I have no idea, I kicked an attempt by triggering PHP in both Forms and putting the input=Submit only in 1 of them, like:
<form action="meu.php" metod="POST">
conteudo do form1
<-tags HTML, como div,a,center etc->
<form action="meu.php" metod="POST">
conteúdo do form2
<input type="submit">
Yeah, it didn’t make much sense and I saw that it doesn’t happen. I did some research but I didn’t find anything useful either. Can I do something to make this possible? (This example shows how the structure of my code is)
Obviously the
of the elements of the Forms are different, it is not?– Sam
The first form has Submit button?
– Sam
@dvd the first one does not have Submit, pq just need to use his data on the same page, hence use Javascript
– Thiago Soubra