Error trying to run Eclipse: Java was Started but Return Exit code =13. PATH IS CORRECT


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I deleted versions previous to Java 8 and now the eclipse does not want to run, the following error message appears:

" Java was Started but Return Exit code =13.":

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

There’s a similar topic: I’ve done what the topic solution said: Error trying to run Eclipse: Java was Started but Return Exit code =13

That is to say: I already installed the JDK 1.7 again and put the path for it in the environment variable "Path": C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_80\bin

And the mistake remains the same.

What can I do to fix?

  • 1

    Opening your command terminal, java -version returns what? And which java? And where java? (I don’t remember if in Windows is where or which, but if you’re using bash the correct answer is the opposite of the Windows answer, so I put the two options)

  • 1

    Apparently the VM pointed out by the argument -vm who stands in the way .../Oracle/Java/javapath is not version 7 of JVM

  • Hmmm, java -version returns version 1.8....

  • 1

    strange, I thought that these arguments that ask for Java 7 was minimum requirement...

  • But how do I change the VM pointed by the vm?

  • In the directory where the eclipse is installed, there is a file called eclipse.ini. It is in this boy that you change. I recommend to save a backup of it, only then change and put the desired path.

  • 1

    It seems your eclipse is 64 bits. Why you installed Java 32 bits? That question reports the same error and the answer was by everyone in the same 64-bit scheme.

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2 answers


See if the version of your eclipse is the same as the JDK you installed, 64bits or 32bits, see the version on prompt with the java -version.

Check that the environment variables are configured correctly by running the javac in the prompt

If you are in windows 10, setting the environment variables is a little different, if applicable, follow the steps:

1.Em Pesquisar, procure e selecione: Sistema (Painel de Controle)
2.Clique no link Configurações avançadas do sistema.
3.Clique em Variáveis de Ambiente. Na seção Variáveis do Sistema, localize a variável de ambiente PATH e selecione-a. Clique em Editar. Se a variável de ambiente PATH não existir, clique em Novo.
4.Na janela Editar Variável de Sistema (ou Nova Variável de Sistema), especifique o valor da variável de ambiente PATH. Clique em OK. Feche todas as janelas restantes clicando em OK.
5.Reabra a janela Prompt de comando e execute o código Java.

Source Configuration of PATH variables

  • I did all this. Only the problem is that version 1.8 appears when I eat java -version

  • 1

    It may be that the Windows registry has failed, here is a "repairer" trying to adjust the records -


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