Center an image that’s too big for the screen?


Viewed 22 times


I have an image that has a height of 100%. However, the width exceeds the lateral limits and the image is cut on the right side and I would like to center it to cut equally on both sides. Here is a Jsfiddle that I made for demonstration

  • You want to center the background on Body, or you want to center an element that has an image in the center of Body?

1 answer


You can use as background and apply the background-position: center


Note: background-position: center can be used directly within background:, as in the example

.foo {
     width: 100%;

.foo .cover {
     /* propriedades para centralizar e assim irá aparar igualmente ambos lados */
     background: url( center no-repeat;

     /* a altura exata da imagem */
     height: 1350px;
<div class="foo">
    <div class="cover"></div>

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