I have the following code:
TS code:
onRegisterForm: FormGroup;
ngOnInit() {
this.onRegisterForm = this._fb.group({
nome: ['', Validators.compose([
email: ['', Validators.compose([
senha: ['', Validators.compose([
confirm_senha: ['', Validators.compose([
<ion-label floating>Senha</ion-label>
<ion-input type="{{isPassword ? 'password' : 'text' }}" [(ngModel)]="userData.senha" formControlName="senha" minlength="6"></ion-input>
<button ion-button clear color="dark" type="button" class="btn-icon-eye" item-right (click)="showPassword()">
<ion-icon name="ios-eye-outline" class="icon-eye" item-right></ion-icon>
<p ion-text color="danger" class="has-error" *ngIf="onRegisterForm.get('senha').touched && onRegisterForm.get('senha').hasError('required')">Este campo é obrigatório.</p>
<p ion-text color="danger" class="has-error" *ngIf="onRegisterForm.get('senha').hasError('minLength')">A senha deve conter no mínimo 6 caracteres.</p>
The two validators work perfectly (the problem is in the display of the messages).
When I click on the field and exit without filling it out, the message is displayed: "This field is required.". However, when I type less than six characters in the message: "The password must contain at least 6 characters." is not displayed!
Parsing the code fails to find the error!
How did you do to validate password check and confirm password?
– Guilherme Nunes
In HTML "<p ion-text color="Danger" class="has-error" *ngIf="onRegisterForm.get('confirm_password'). Touched && (onRegisterForm.get('confirm_password').hasError('minlength') || confirm_password != userdata.password)">Incorrect confirmation password. </p>" and on the TS inside the registration function "if ( this.userData.password != this.confirm_password ) Return false;".
– alan