Show data from localstorage


Viewed 938 times


I created a code that stores the data in the localstorage, but now I need that data that is in the localstorage to appear on the screen. So I want to know how I can do this. (Note: I am developing a form)


<button id=""cadastro" onclick="cadastro">Cadastrar</button>


window.onload = function (){

function cadastrar(){
localStorage.setItem(nomeTabela.value, nomePropriedade.value);

1 answer


To recover the value of localStorage you use the syntax:


How you gave a name from a variable, or you can call by the name you gave or by the variable itself:


You can play the value within a div:

<div id="minhadiv"></div>

document.body.querySelector("#minhadiv").innerHTML = localStorage.getItem(nomeTabela.value);

You put it all together in function, you can do it like this:

<div id="minhadiv"></div>

function cadastrar(){
    localStorage.setItem(nomeTabela.value, nomePropriedade.value);
    var localsto = localStorage.getItem(nomeTabela.value);
    document.body.querySelector("#minhadiv").innerHTML = localsto;

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