Return only one object at a time from http get JSON


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As I do instead of came the array of all questions, I came one question at a time in my form: Given my service:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Pergunta } from './perguntas/pergunta.model'
import { PerguntasComponent } from './perguntas/perguntas.component'
import { Http} from '@angular/http'
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable'
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'

import { MEAT_API} from '../app.api'

export class PerguntasService{

  constructor(private http:Http){}

    perguntas(): Observable<Pergunta[]>{
      return this.http.get(`${MEAT_API}/perguntas`)
      .map( response => response.json())

    //retorna uma pergunta só, por id
       return this.http.get(`${MEAT_API}/perguntas/${id}`)
       .map( response => response.json())



Here I return my array of questions all at once:

<section class="content">
  <div class="row">
          <div *ngFor="let pergunta of perguntas" class="col-sm-6 col-xs-12">
              <app-pergunta [pergunta]="pergunta"></app-pergunta>

But I want it to come one at a time, then when I ask the question. id returns me udefined

<a [routerLink]="['/perguntas',]">



import { Component, OnInit, Input  } from '@angular/core';
import { Pergunta } from '../pergunta.model'
  selector: 'app-pergunta',
  templateUrl: './pergunta.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./pergunta.component.css']
export class PerguntaComponent implements OnInit {

  @Input() pergunta:Pergunta
  constructor() { }

  ngOnInit() {


        "titulo":"Qual o seu comportamento em relação aos seus investimentos?",
        "opcoes":  [
            "description":"Preservar meu dinheiro sem correr risco",
            "description": "Ganhar mais dinheiro, assumindo riscos moderados",
            "description": "Ganhar mais dinheiro, assumindo riscos agressivo",
        "titulo": "Por quanto tempo você deseja manter os seus investimentos?",
        "opcoes":  [
            "description":"até 1 ano",
            "description": "até 1 a 3 anos",
            "description": "de 1 a 3 anos",
        "titulo": "Quantos % desses investimentos você pode precisar em um ano?",
        "opcoes":  [
            "description":"acima de 75%",
            "description": "de 26% a 74%",
            "description": "até 25%",

  • how is your route configuration? and about the latter snippet code, what file it is and how you get into it?

  • export const ROUTES: Routes =[ {path:''', Component:Homecomponent}, {path:'form', Component:Formcomponent}, {path:'questions', Component:Questionscomponent}, {path:'Restaurants/:id', Component:Inquiricomponent}, ]

  • @merchant I was calling that component which is <app-question>, inside my form to appear only to pargunta with id and title.

  • can provide component code <app-pergunta>? If that component has a @Input being the type Pergunta then it was supposed to work.

  • I’ll put it in the question that gets better visualize

  • right. I can’t understand how you want it to be shown one at a time. At the moment you show all the questions passing each one inside the ngFor for the component. If you want to show one at a time, which will control which one is shown each time?

  • So, dude, what’s being my problem, I don’t know how to first show question 1, like your options a,b,c, then ask 2 with your options a,b and c.. etc.

  • well, the component that has the reference of all questions should decide which question should be passed to the component <app-pergunta>. For example, initially you can pass the index question 0 and, based on some action, change the index and so on.

  • @MERCHANT or if I made my JSON right, like I’ll ask the question

  • @merchant I think it so becomes easier that I call everything at once with the options in the form component

  • but the format of this json is still an array of questions. For me this changes nothing about what should be done.

  • So I’ll call the questions all at once even with the options too

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