Because sometimes, when you add images to a page, if you mouse over it, does it move?


Viewed 503 times


Because sometimes when we add some images on a page, some move and others don’t? That’s a problem browsers? Or the problem must be in the CSS?

Why "damn" when you mouse over the image it moves?


Hover your mouse over the news image Make The Perfect Dessert in Ten Mins (under the slider).

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

When passing the mouse, note that the image moves, it leaves the square. Already the news next to it Premiere for The Invisible Woman when passing the mouse over the image of the woman, does not occur this.

I could also tell by the tool Inspecionar Elemento of Google Chrome that disabling some properties like:

.wp-post-image:hover {opacity:0.8}
.appear {-webkit-transition:all .4s ease-in-out}

This problem ends, only I lose the effects.

  • It’s a problem with your CSS. Check that you don’t have any properties applied to the images

  • Look at this site: Now hover over the news image Make The Perfect Dessert in Ten Mins below the slider. (Use Chrome)

  • 1

    Yes, this is a css effect applied to the image

  • Ahhh is true, the problem is opacity with the -webkit-transition in the :hover (I just tested it). But how do I fix it? I don’t want to have to remove the effects.

  • So let me get this straight... you want some images with that effect, and you want some without the effects, that’s it?

  • No! I just want to fix this problem by hovering.

  • 1

    If you don’t want to remove the effects, what do you want? Take the effects only when the mouse passes? So it will never produce the effect of blurring the image... lol I’m no longer understanding anything...

  • I don’t want to remove anything, absolutely nothing! I just want some way to end this mini bug. It only ends if I disable the opacity or the -webkit-transition in the :hover, but I don’t want to do that. I just wanted some solution that would end this problem.

  • It’s not at all clear what you’re asking. Bug? But what bug? Put your CSS to the question and clarify your problem

  • Young man, just enter the link I sent you and you will see that by hovering over the second image in the news below the slider moves when you hover over.

  • You don’t want to, then you wonder why the question is closed

  • Why do you keep voting to close my question? It’s not my fault if you don’t know how to use the Chrome tool Inspecionar Elemento just do this in the image and you will see all the classes and properties of the inspected element. Test it.

  • This is not my site.

  • 3

    Your question is not being objective. From what I understand, your application is doing the same as the website you demonstrated, right? If so, consider adding lines of code to your problem. If you are just inspecting a third party page and trying to understand something, be clear! Demonstrate with an image for example.

  • I tested with Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari and IE, and in none of them the image you referred moved.

  • @Math only when passing or mouse over.

  • @Alexandrelopes I passed, exactly in the image that you just added, and I passed in the woman next, and there occurred the error that you quoted in either of the two images, only the effect that was to happen. Which browser you used?

  • I used Google Chrome (Last Version), and I used Firefox, only in it (Firefox) instead of moving the mouse, the image is bigger than it is supposed to be, about 1px.

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1 answer


Come on, I’ll answer the basis of what I understand. The image of Slider received a zoom effect, increasing the scale in the :hover.

Basically the image gets a zoom inside the div, say. If you inspect the element and remove the following lines from css:

/* image zoom effect */
.main-featured .slides .image-link, .main-featured .blocks .image-link {
    display: block;
    overflow: hidden;

    -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);

You will notice that now the image will grow and in fact, come out of the square. Now let’s go to the second part.

The internal zoom effect is given by this code:

.main-featured .blocks article:hover img, .main-featured .slides .flex-active-slide:hover img { 

    /* fix flicker and use hardware acceleration */
    -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
    -webkit-perspective: 0;
    -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;

    -webkit-transform: scale(1.1);
    transform: scale(1.1);
    -moz-transform: scale(1.1) rotate(0.1deg);  /* firefox flicker fix */

    opacity: 0.9;

Therefore, by removing these lines you remove this effect.


Based on the image you passed, I tried to test and see if you could find any movement but I couldn’t. The only thing I see being used in :hover is the property opacity defining transparency.

Antes e depois do :hover

  • You got it wrong, rsrs... It’s not the slider and yes the image of the news below the slider. I’ll put an image for you see.

  • 1

    Still thanks for trying to help!

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