Adjust listview width for input from mysql database


Viewed 283 times


I have a problem to adjust the width with listview in, where the data loaded from the database does not adjust the width. Example: Have a database record that has a width of 250 characters and put the statement as follows:

If MTramo.Text = "Lobinho" Then

        Using con As MySqlConnection = GetConnection()
                Dim sql As String = ("SELECT Controle, Objetivo FROM objetivos WHERE  Ramo LIKE 'Lobinho' AND Desenvolvimento = 'C-Carater' AND fase = 'a-Infância Média'")
                Dim cmd As MySqlCommand = New MySqlCommand(sql, con)
                Dim dr As MySqlDataReader
                dr = cmd.ExecuteReader

                'CONFIGURA O LISTVIEW

                'Permite o usuário rearranjar as colunas
                mlv1.AllowColumnReorder = True

                'Exibe as caixas de marcação
                mlv1.CheckBoxes = True

                'Seleciona um item e subitem quando a seleção e feita
                mlv1.FullRowSelect = True

                'Cria as colunas com os nomes do cabeçalho usando os nomes dos campos da tabela
                With mlv1
                    .Columns.Add(dr.GetName(0), 80, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
                    .Columns.Add(dr.GetName(1), 435, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
                End With

                'Percorre a tabela e exibe todos os dados no listview
                While dr.Read
                    Dim texto As String = CType(dr.Item(0), String)
                    Dim lv As New ListViewItem(texto, 0)
                    lv.SubItems.Add(New ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(lv, CType(dr.Item(1), String)))
                End While

                'Modo de visão
                mlv1.View = View.Details


I’m not getting to leave the "Goal" column at the required width, which would be 435. How can I do that...if anyone can help me I’m grateful.

Follow the screen to illustrate. inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

===Code in the View================

Private Sub mlv1_ItemChecked(sender As Object, e As ItemCheckedEventArgs) Handles mlv1.ItemChecked
        For Each x As ListViewItem In Me.mlv1.Items
            If x.Checked = True Then
                If Me.mtxtOBJprg1.Text = Nothing And x.Text <> Me.mtxtOBJprg2.Text And x.Text <> Me.mtxtOBJprg3.Text Then 'verificar se TextBox1 esta vasia, se estiver add texto  ... 
                    Me.mtxtOBJprg1.Text = x.Text 'pegar o intem selecionado apenas o txt
                    Exit For
                ElseIf Me.mtxtOBJprg2.Text = Nothing And x.Text <> Me.mtxtOBJprg1.Text And x.Text <> Me.mtxtOBJprg3.Text Then 'verificar se TextBox2 esta vasia, se estiver add texto  ... 
                    Me.mtxtOBJprg2.Text = x.Text 'pegar o intem selecionado apenas o txt
                    Exit For
                ElseIf Me.mtxtOBJprg3.Text = Nothing And x.Text <> Me.mtxtOBJprg1.Text And x.Text <> Me.mtxtOBJprg2.Text Then 'verificar se TextBox3 esta vasia, se estiver add texto  ... 
                    Me.mtxtOBJprg3.Text = x.Text 'pegar o intem selecionado apenas o txt
                    Exit For
                End If
                If x.Text = Me.mtxtOBJprg1.Text Then
                    Exit For
                ElseIf x.Text = Me.mtxtOBJprg2.Text Then
                    Exit For
                ElseIf x.Text = Me.mtxtOBJprg3.Text Then
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        Next x
    End Sub
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  • I’m using visual basic 2015 creating a program in Vb windows form and I’m new... I don’t know how to post the html code of the view. can help me.

  • I thought it was HTML, for windows Forms I recommend you use the properties Anchor and dock

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