Error in connection to oracle database after doing Publish on Azure with visual studio


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I am developing a project in with Oracle data base 12c. The connection to the database locally works. It does all CRUD functions. I am also using the services of Azure (project requirement), both for the bank and for the website. When I do Publish with Visual Studio and the site is published by Azure as well, it is not possible to establish a connection to the database. All oracle dll are in the project. But only when it goes up to Azure’s publishing service, is it not possible to connect with the database.

Example of connectionstring running localhost.

<connectionStrings><add name="Ativos" connectionString="DATA SOURCE=IP/DATA;PASSWORD=SENHA;USER ID=USUARIO;" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" /></connectionStrings></configuration>

Has anyone ever had a similar problem?

Thank you all.

  • 1

    Your web.config has the correct connectionstring?

  • Hello, you are. Until on localhost the external bank connection works. I can insert into the virtual machine of Azure with the bank, only when I do the post that does not connect. .

  • Can connect with any management tool?

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