Constantly increasing slowness in emulator and IDE loading


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Since the installation of the Android Studio, the emulator constantly gets slower with the course of use, and it is not for lack of delete test apps, etc., also the IDE itself begins to slow down loading projects.

Before I used to Windows 10and today use Ubuntu 16, of course, Ubuntu is still better without a doubt, but they are also starting to want to stay slow.

I wonder if you also noticed this, if you have any "reset" emulator or IDE function that improves performance, or any other improvement tip ?

  • It is normal for the emulator to be slower as you increase the app you are making, so a "Helow World" app will be much slower than another one with the Google Maps API. You mean that?

  • @Guilhermecostamilam no. The emulator with time it will take a slow independent of the app. Even if you delete all apps that have been installed for testing, it keeps up with a certain slowness to open, close, test apps.

1 answer


yes really begins to show more slowly with the passage of time, this unfortunately is normal, directories are being created, you get more cache, RAM is more consumed... anyway what can be done is to mitigate the problem.

  • creating weaker emulators - tests get faster, no demands so much of your virtual machine.

  • activating Gradle Daemon in (org.gradle.daemon=true) - Daemon is a process that runs on background and runs the builds in a faster avoiding Exhaustive startup processes and keeping data from your project cached.

  • now one personal thing I do is click every 10m on the button below to decrease the allocated memory. this button is in the corner lower right.


  • Damn, I didn’t even remember this topic anymore, I haven’t used Android Studio for A LONG time! rs Now only VS Code! AS never again! rs... but it was worth the answer!

  • kkk dboa! 2 years ago too

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