I am developing a product registration system and cash front.
My main form is the Order screen and from it I open the other registration screens (Unit of Measure, Products, Payment Methods, Customers, among others)
For each of these screens I have a zTable in a Data Módule. And in the Onshow/Onclose of each form, I open/close the zTables.
As in the main screen I need these open zTables, my question is the following: It is advisable to open them in the main form and keep them open all the time my application is running?
I think I get @Caputo. So instead of me using
I would useGetUnidadesMedida
of the objectDadosCache
, correct? And to set that mineFUnidadesMedida
is my zTableztUnidadesMedida
, I do this in the object constructor, correct?– Thiago Thaison
That’s right @Thiagothaison, so you keep all the cache in one place, and if someone works in finance, for example, you might not need all this data open. The Get method would be encapsulated in the Property, then you would use
– Caputo