Error to popular Array with Vuejs + Firebase


Viewed 122 times


I’m Dev Ror and I’m in my initial studies with Vuejs. To do so, I started creating a Todolist with Firebase for data persistence and a problem occurred to me.

I created a function to return data from Firebase.

So, when there is a change or inclusion of some data in the database, Firebase returns all the data that is presented through this instance of Vue.

However, when making the first call of the function listTasks(), in line 4 on the link above, it returns me the data correctly. But when there is the change, the vector is not reassembled, but concatenated with the new values, that is, I have duplicate data.

How would you make so that, whenever there was new data or change, Vue does not concatenate the vector?

I believe it is something of Vue through all the tests I have done so far. But this is just an achimos initially.

  • What is Dev Ror?

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    @Andersoncarloswoss Understood as being Developer Ruby On Rails

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  • According to your guidelines, the topic has been corrected. Thanks for the tip @Rosáriopereirafernandes

3 answers


The error was in the function either returned the data. Instead of the method on I used the method once. It worked the way you wanted it to. [][3]

function listTasks(){
    var tasks = [];
    var listTasks = database.ref('tasks');
    listTasks.once('value', function(snapshot) {
      snapshot.forEach(function(childSnapshot) {

    return tasks;


Long live,

It seems to me that the problem is that the array tasks is not being cleaned before you get the data from the database.

Try it like this:

function listTasks(){
  var listTasks = database.ref('tasks');
  listTasks.on('value', function(snapshot) {
    var tasks = [];
    snapshot.forEach(function(childSnapshot) {
  • Unfortunately that’s not the problem. I had already tested this function in this way and nothing worked.


methods: {
  addTodoInList: function(){
    this.tasks = []
    writeTask(11, "teste 7", "12/12/2012", 'Lorem Ipsum 3');

function listTasks(){
  var tasks = []; // REMOVA ESSA LINHA
  var listTasks = database.ref('tasks');
  listTasks.on('value', function(snapshot) {
    snapshot.forEach(function(childSnapshot) {

  return tasks;
  • 1

    Code-only answers give very little value to the community. Remember that the goal in Stackoverflowpt is not only to show what the problem is, how to overcome it, and even what other possible obstacles. In short, we want to prevent the questioners from merely copying code without knowing what they are doing.

  • All right, it’s just that I talked to the author of the topic on another channel, so I just posted the code, I’m gonna fix that.

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