Copy part of a string


Viewed 16,806 times


I have the following strings:

  Cliente em questão: protocolo20209092032932
  Cliente em questão 2: protocolo320930293232
  Cliente em questão 3: 20392039230902032032

I need to do a function to copy everything after : (two points) forward. Is it possible ? Remember that the strings before : are not the same size, so I need to make it clear that it has to be after : (two points) forward.

4 answers


You can use the function Copy combined with the function Pos

TextoOriginal := 'Cliente em questão 3: 20392039230902032032';
valorTexto := Copy(TextoOriginal , Pos(':', TextoOriginal) + 1, Length(TextoOriginal));
  • 1

    good at the time I tried to do this did not know the function pos lol

  • @Caputo, gave error in the variable valueText, is saying that parameters are missing.

  • had a wrong parentheses @user7605. I already fixed

  • 1

    Perfect @Caputo, thank you, and thank you to everyone who helped!


I don’t know how it works in Delphi but in PHP I would use the "explode" function that you define a delimiter and it puts everything inside an array, for example:

$cliente = "Cliente em questão: protocolo20209092032932";

$resultado = explode(':', $cliente);

This would return an array with two values:

[0] Client in question [1] protocolo20209092032932

And after that you just do what you have to do with your $result variable[1]

This is just an idea of how I would do in PHP, now just apply it to Delphi.

  • thanks for the reply, I am looking for if I find something on the internet similar to what you said!

  • is it possible to put that there inside a while ? because it is several lines..

  • If it has more than one ":" will not make a difference, the only thing that will change is the position of the result in the array, in the example I gave the result you want would be in the $result[2]. In PHP it is possible to put in a while yes already in Delphi I do not know how it works but it is very likely that it is also possible.

  • in PHP how would I look inside a while ? I’ll do in PHP itself...


look q easy in php, in my example the strings would be an input.txt file

input file.txt

Cliente em questão: protocolo20209092032932
Cliente em questão 2:: protocolo320930293232
Cliente em questão 3::: 2039203923090203203
Cliente: em questão 3: 2039203923090203203

file . php


$handle = fopen("input.txt", "r");
$contents = [];

while (!feof($handle)) {
  $str_array = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ":");      
  $str_array_count = count($str_array) - 1;      
  $last_index = $str_array[$str_array_count];

  $contents[] = $last_index;






    [0] =>  protocolo20209092032932
    [1] =>  protocolo320930293232
    [2] =>  2039203923090203203
    [3] =>  2039203923090203203
  • and if the string is twice the ":" ? How to do ? now that I’ve seen it has twice the :.... I need to take the second ":"..... type: Customer: in question 3: 2039203923090203

  • I edited the code to adapt to more than one ":", can be three or more.


I did that a thousand years ago!

At the time I created a text search function, to ensure that the string I was looking for was actually inside the text.

Function BuscaTexto(Text,Busca : string) : string;
var n : integer;
  for n := 1 to length(Text) do
       if Copy(Text,n,length(Busca)) = Busca then
             Result := 'ok';



Notice that RetornoBuscaPos will tell you which position the string was found in, then use the function copy to cut where you want, do something like this:

  if BuscaTexto(MsgOriginal,':') = 'ok' then
    Resultado := Copy(MsgOriginal,RetornoBuscaPos,Length(MsgOriginal));

Do tests, it’s been so long that I don’t use Delphi I’m rusty!

  • where I will set this function that I need to look for after the ":" two points ?

  • look here if BuscaTexto(MsgOriginal,':') = 'ok' then if it finds two points it will return to position and you use the copy to cut where you want

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