Error in "break" in C++ code prevents compilation


Viewed 104 times


Follows code:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    float n1, n2;
    int s;
    float resul;
    cout << "Digite um número para começar" << endl;
    cin >> n1;

    cout << "Vc quer (1)somar (2)diminuir (3)mutiplicar (4)dividir" << endl;
    cin >> s;
    switch (s) {
    case 1:
        cout << "Com qual valor?" << endl;
        cin >> n2;
        resul = n1 + n2;
        break case 2 : cout << "Com qual valor?" << endl;
        cin >> n2;
        resul = n1 - n2;
        break case 3 : cout << "Com qual valor?" << endl;
        cin >> n2;
        resul = n1 * n2;
        break case 4 : cout << "Com qual valor?" << endl;
        cin >> n2;
        resul = n1 / n2;
        break default : cout << "Error 404" << endl;

    cout << "O resultado é " << resul << endl;

    return 0;

Where did I go wrong? It’s a simple calculator.

  • 2

    What is the doubt?

  • was giving error, but I discovered that it was because I had forgotten to put the ; after the Break hehe

2 answers


I don’t know if you don’t have what’s wrong, but the code says typos, missing the ; after each break.

Organizing the code a little better would look like this:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    float n1, n2, resultado;
    int s;
    cout << "Digite um número para começar";
    cin >> n1;
    cout << endl << "Vc quer (1)somar (2)diminuir (3)mutiplicar (4)dividir";
    cin >> s;
    cout << endl << "Com qual valor?";
    cin >> n2;
    switch(s) {
    case 1:
        resultado = n1 + n2;
    case 2:
        resultado = n1 - n2;
    case 3:
        resultado = n1 * n2;
    case 4:
        resultado = n1 / n2;
        cout << endl << "Error 404";
        return 0;
    cout << endl << "O resultado é " << resultado << endl;

Behold working in the ideone. And in the repl it.. Also put on the Github for future reference.

  • kkk That msm, I am very forgotten. vlw^^


Just put a ; after the break.

  • in front or after?

  • what your reply adds to what has already been said in the other reply?

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