I do not know what is happening, each line presents a different error.
Foul then
or passes then
, in other cases lacking ;
program Untitled;
writeln('digite seu peso');
writeln('digite sua altura');
writeln('digite sua idade');
if(peso / altura * altura <= 16)then
writeln('voce esta com magreza extrema')
else if(peso / altura * altura) >=16) and (peso / altura * altura) <=17)
writeln('voce esta com magreza moderada')
else if(peso / altura* altura) in (17..18.5)
writeln('voce esta com magreza leve')
else if(peso / altura * altura >= 18,5) and (peso / altura * altura <= 25)
writeln('voce esta saudavel')
else if(peso / altura * altura >=25) and (peso / altura * altura <=30)
writeln('voce esta com sobre peso')
else if(peso / altura * altura >=30) and (peso / altura * altura <=35)
writeln('voce esta com grau de obesidade I procure ajuda')
else if(peso / altura * altura >=35) and ((peso / altura * altura <=40)
writeln('voce esta com grau de obesidade II procure ajuda')
else if(peso / altura * altura >=40) and (peso / altura * altura <=45)
wirteln('voce esta com grau de obsidade III procure ajuda')
Error log:
'THEN' expected but ')' found
')' expected but '..' found
';' expected but end of file found
How to fix these Syntax errors?
Clarify your doubt, don’t just put code in here and wait for people to fix things for you
– Tiago Rodrigues
@Tiagorodrigues, in Delphi that’s right, we have little to explain! The question is crystal clear to me! Running his code the question title is obvious!
– Junior Moreira
"Executing his code" so I always put here the code with the problem :P I just wanted to say that I had no effort in trying to understand the origin of the problem :) Regards
– Tiago Rodrigues