I need to develop a system to issue an electronic invoice. My big problem is that this system needs to meet the A3 certificate (card) and as far as I’ve been reading with php it is not yet possible to capture the card’s private and public key. I thought then of making an applet just to read this data and put in a session, so I could use with php.
Since I know little of Java, I would like to know if it is possible to do this, or is it madness of mine. And if it’s possible if someone has to point me to software where I can look at the source OR readings so I can develop this.
In case I succeed I propose to post on the project Nfephp and contribute to the community!
believe that one of these links can help http://www.javac.com.br/jc/posts/list/122-nfe-signature-dos-xmls-de-envio-de-lote-cancelament-e-inutilize-certificado-a3.page http://www.javac.com.br/jc/posts/lists/1220-duvidas-pega-certificado-digital-resolvidopagehttp://www.guj.com.br/java/110442-certified-A3---nfe/2
– Caputo
There’s a code there that looks promising Caputo, thank you very much
– Neto
Did you find a solution? Poste as an answer to help other people.
– Maniero
@bigown after better understanding the problem I realized that it is extremely difficult to use A3 with php since it runs on server... I ended up choosing to create my own api, but use the A1 certificate
– Neto
Look Neto, I’ve had this same question in the past, and I ended up using the A1 certificate itself.
– Rogerio Coelho