return javascript asynchronous method values


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Hello I have a problem here, I need to use the Node request module, twice. one to take the link from one page and the other to take the content of a post.

in this way, I have the following problem:

request(', function (error, response, body) {
  if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
    const $ = cheerio.load(body);

    // na página inicial ele vai pegar o link de uma postagem recente...
    const href = $('.td_block_inner').find('.td-module-thumb').children().first().attr('href');

    // aqui ele vai entrar neste link pra pegar o conteúdo da postagem
    request(href, function (error2, response2, body2) {
      const $2 = cheerio.load(body);
      // preste atenção, eu preciso que essa variavel vá para dentro da array article
      var content = $2('.td-ss-main-content').html();
      console.log(content); // aparece o conteúdo

    var article = {
      // só que aqui ele chega vazio
      content: content,
      link: href,
      thumb: $('.td_block_inner').find('img').first().attr('src'),
      title: $('.td_block_inner').find('.entry-title').children().first().text(),

I come from php so I don’t have much experience with javascript, let alone Node, to very disoriented.

  • 1

    The declaration of the variable article must be inside the callback of the second request. How the request is asynchronous, it will run the rest of the code (var article = { ... }) before the request is even completed and you have the value of content. Another thing, the variable content (in the second request) it is local and will not be visible outside this function.

  • What you can do is use Promise or

  • Valdeir thanks, I put the article inside the second request, as I didn’t think of it before, thanks bro ;)

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