How do I set up a Mysql database that is on my machine to be accessed on the web-hosted Moodle?


Viewed 416 times


I have hired Uol Host hosting services, but I cannot change the database provided by them. I would like to know how to connect a database of my machine to the Moodle that is installed on the host. In the Moodle installation appears this. Na instalação do moodle

Mysql Workbench newly installed.

From now on, thank you.

  • What do you mean, you hired the comic and you can’t touch it?

  • it must be using a platform bank type wordpress etc, this provider does not allow to change the database extruture with platforms installed by own panel, but if I’m not mistaken it is entitled to 5 Mysql banks and 1 Postgr

  • That’s it. I can’t change the file format because it requires super privileges and I don’t have them. I have to use a different database.

1 answer


First you will need a static IP or Dynamic DNS to access your website, and you will also need the ports of your IP to be released on your internet provider, without this there is no way you can make the remote connection to your host

  1. You can make the check of which the your ip here

    You can check that the doors are open on your server here

    You will need to release the ports in your router/model see how in some totorial here

If it’s all right

  1. In your Host Database you will enter your example ip ( what appears to you on the site of

    Database Enter the name of your database

    user and passwords (default user > root and white password) if have another user and password enter them

    Table prefix is opitional

    Database port is usually 3306 but if changed specify what you use

    Unix Socket Leave Blank

  • > First you will need a static IP or Dynamic DNS to access your website. So, the site is already in the air, I can start the installation, but I can not connect my database in the application as you ask in the image (probably because of the port you mentioned). And with "internet provider" you talk about the modem or actually the provider I hired?

  • And the door I have to release is the same one in the database, right? I tried to release port 80 in the modem and tested on the site "canyouseeme" but so far unsuccessful. In my modem have these options modem.

  • Yes, the same as the general bank 3306, which provider do you use ? Usually hi, net, gvt usually lock the ports, vc have to do a Trigger also on the local port rotator sue for the external port is quite complex

  • Got it. The provider that I use is Cabo Telecom. About Trigger, I could send a tutorial?

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