Pass php variable by javascript and then pick up php via post


Viewed 31 times


Well, I have a PHP variable a page index.php. And when I click, I load another part of the page inside a div with javascript. When loading the page, the index variable is not recognized inside the div page (which is also . php).

$variavel = 1234;

function carregar(pagina){

<ul class="nav nav-tabs">
<li class="nav-item">

<a class="nav-link active"   onclick="carregar('includes/graficos/pesoaluno.php')" href="#">Registro de peso</a>



<div id="conteudo"></div> 
  • You can switch to a variable Javascript thus: var x = '<?php echo $variavel;?>';

1 answer


very simple print your variable inside the script passing as parameter $_GET

See the example below

function carregar(pagina){
    $("#conteudo").load(pagina+"?pegaAqui=<?php echo $variavel; ?>");


<a class="nav-link active"             onclick="carregar('includes/graficos/pesoaluno.php')" href="#">Registro de peso</a>

Now inside your page peoaluno.php you will receive the variable as follows

   echo $_GET['pegaAqui'];
  • 1

    It worked. Thank you very much!

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