How to use SQL instead of JPQL?


Viewed 294 times


This week I went through a problem, to be able to build a Java API using JPQL, but my Java API is not yet completed and I can already predict that in the future my project will need reporting, and imagine doing in JPQL? It’s gonna be a bigger hell!

The problem I had is to perform a simple JPQL query that resembles select * from noticia order by data_noticia asc; and I had a lot of trouble understanding how to create this query, I was able to create the query as you can see below, and it’s working perfectly;


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;
import javax.persistence.TypedQuery;
import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder;
import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery;
import javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate;
import javax.persistence.criteria.Root;

import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;


public class NoticiaRepositoryImpl implements NoticiaRepositoryQuery {

    private EntityManager manager;

    public Page<Noticia> filtrar(NoticiaFilter noticiaFilter, Pageable pageable) {

        CriteriaBuilder builder = manager.getCriteriaBuilder();

        CriteriaQuery<Noticia> criteria = builder.createQuery(Noticia.class);

        Root<Noticia> root = criteria.from(Noticia.class);


        Predicate[] predicates = criarRestricoes(noticiaFilter, builder, root);


        /*Esse é o trecho do código responsável em realizar a consulta simples */

        TypedQuery<Noticia> query = manager.createQuery(criteria);

        adicionarRestricoesDePaginacao(query, pageable);

        return new PageImpl<>(query.getResultList(), pageable, total(noticiaFilter));

    private Predicate[] criarRestricoes(NoticiaFilter noticiaFilter, CriteriaBuilder builder, Root<Noticia> root) {
        List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<>();

        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(noticiaFilter.getTitulo())) {
                    "%" + noticiaFilter.getTitulo().toLowerCase() + "%"));

        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(noticiaFilter.getConteudo())) {
                    "%" + noticiaFilter.getConteudo().toLowerCase() + "%"));

        if (noticiaFilter.getDataNoticia() != null) {
                    .add(builder.greaterThanOrEqualTo(root.get(Noticia_.dataNoticia), noticiaFilter.getDataNoticia()));

        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(noticiaFilter.getFont())) {
                    "%" + noticiaFilter.getFont().toLowerCase() + "%"));

        return predicates.toArray(new Predicate[predicates.size()]);

    private void adicionarRestricoesDePaginacao(TypedQuery<Noticia> query, Pageable pageable) {
        int paginaAtual = pageable.getPageNumber();
        int totalRegistrosPorPagina = pageable.getPageSize();
        int primeiroRegistroDaPagina = paginaAtual * totalRegistrosPorPagina;


    private Long total(NoticiaFilter noticiaFilter) {
        CriteriaBuilder builder = manager.getCriteriaBuilder();
        CriteriaQuery<Long> criteria = builder.createQuery(Long.class);
        Root<Noticia> root = criteria.from(Noticia.class);

        Predicate[] predicates = criarRestricoes(noticiaFilter, builder, root);
        return manager.createQuery(criteria).getSingleResult();


You may notice that there is a filter, but before the filter a simple JPQL query is performed on this code snippet;

CriteriaQuery<Noticia> criteria = builder.createQuery(Noticia.class);

Root<Noticia> root = criteria.from(Noticia.class);;

What is my difficulty?

I would like to do the query using SQL, but I don’t know how the code could look right above, I’ve tried to do everything, but the code gets wrong, is giving errors in some parts and as I did the hardest part I think it will be simple for someone to help me, anything I’ll be willing to ask questions to receive help.

  • in.createNativeQuery("..."), you are using the Criteriaapi to generate this query.. This API at the end creates a de facto JPQL query. However you could simply write it instead of using the API.

  • 1

    With JPQL the query you quoted would be simply. in.createQuery("SELECT n FROM Noticia n ORDER BY n.dataNoticia ASC");

  • @Israel Merljak as you explained generates error in Java code, it does not work and I have tried this way before, unless you explain how it would look in the code that was mentioned in this post!

  • the point is that this query that is in the code is not so simple, you want to make a dynamic filter. The best way for this type of query is the Criteriaapi itself. However if you want to do with JPQL (or SQL) you would have to change to concatenate the query string as needed by the filter (which is prone to error, and can become more 'infernal' than using the API).

  • I can’t disagree with you because I’m still learning, but I’ll wait to see if anyone else shows up to give you a solution.

1 answer


How you wanted to see a possible implementation of this same filter not using the CriteriaAPI, follows a version (untested..) with the JPQL.

I have added only those parts of the code that have been changed.. the rest remain identical to your version.

    public Page filtrar(NoticiaFilter noticiaFilter, Pageable pageable) {

        String baseQuery = "SELECT n FROM Noticia n ";
        String whereQuery = criarWhere(noticiaFilter);
        String orderBy = "ORDER BY n.dataNoticia DESC";

        TypedQuery query = manager.createQuery(
                baseQuery + whereQuery + orderBy

        adicionarParameters(query, noticiaFilter);
        adicionarRestricoesDePaginacao(query, pageable);

        return new PageImpl(query.getResultList(), pageable, total(noticiaFilter));

    private String criarWhere(NoticiaFilter noticiaFilter) {
        String where = "WHERE 1=1 "; 

        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(noticiaFilter.getTitulo())) {
            where += "AND " + Noticia_.titulo.getName() + " LIKE :titulo";

        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(noticiaFilter.getConteudo())) {
            where += "AND " + Noticia_.conteudo.getName() + " LIKE :conteudo";

        if (noticiaFilter.getDataNoticia() != null) {
            where += "AND " + Noticia_.dataNoticia.getName() + " >= :dataNoticia'";

        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(noticiaFilter.getFont())) {
            where += "AND " + Noticia_.font.getName() + " LIKE :font'";

        return where;

    private void adicionarParameters(TypedQuery query, NoticiaFilter noticiaFilter) {
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(noticiaFilter.getTitulo())) {
            query.setParameter("titulo", "%" + noticiaFilter.getTitulo().toLowerCase() + "%");

        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(noticiaFilter.getConteudo())) {
            query.setParameter("conteudo", "%" + noticiaFilter.getConteudo().toLowerCase() + "%");

        if (noticiaFilter.getDataNoticia() != null) {
            query.setParameter("dataNoticia", noticiaFilter.getDataNoticia());

        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(noticiaFilter.getFont())) {
            query.setParameter("font", "%" + noticiaFilter.getFont().toLowerCase() + "%");

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