Detect click on the same dynamic and non-dynamic item


Viewed 113 times


When I click on the item, the function changes the class this item so it can be detected by the other function when clicking.

The problem is that when I use the .click, the click is detected normally, but when I click again (already with the class changed), it does not detect this click.

And when I use the .on, doesn’t even work when I click for the first time.


<div class="options">
         <li><a href="#" class="com-estoque">ativar</a></li>

I use the function below to open and close the menu where the link is. I believe that what is giving conflict is this stopPropagation() , but I’m not sure. There would be some way around this problem?


$(".options").click(function(e) {

$(document).on('click', function(e) {
    $('.options ul').hide();

$('.pagina-produtos-admin').on('click', '.sem-estoque', function(e) {


$('.pagina-produtos-admin').on('click', '.com-estoque', function(e) {

    $(this).removeClass('com-estoque').addClass('sem-estoque').html('marcar como fora de estoque');
  • It’s working normal buddy.

  • Now that you mentioned, I went to test in an online editor and it works. I don’t know why it’s not working in my code.

2 answers


The second parameter in the method .on jQuery, how you used it is just for this kind of problem. Create listeners event in dynamic elements.

For example:

$('.my-element').on('click', function() {

// Criamos o elemento de forma dinâmica:
$('<div>', { 'class': 'my-element' }).appendTo('body');

But if we do:

$('body').on('click', '.my-element', function() {

// Criamos o elemento de forma dinâmica:
$('<div>', { 'class': 'my-element' }).appendTo('body');

The event will normally fire at the click button.
To learn more, see documentation of the method .on.

Probably your error occurs because, according to the code sent above, you did not include the jQuery cipher:

('.pagina-produtos-admin').on('click', '.sem-estoque', function(e) {
  // [...]

The correct, then, would be:

$('.pagina-produtos-admin').on('click', '.sem-estoque', function(e) {
  // [...]
  • I’m using the cipher in full code, it was a mistake to copy here. I tested the same code in online editor and ta normal, I don’t know why it doesn’t work in full code. No other function is using these same classes.

  • Do you have an error in the console? What is the complete code?

  • I found the reason for the problem. I changed the post with more information


I think this is what you want to do: click on the link to switch the class and text without hiding the <ul>. I made a modification to your code to be more precise and lean:

$('.options').click(function(e) {

$('.options').find('.sem-estoque, .com-estoque').click(function(e) {

   .toggleClass('sem-estoque com-estoque')
   .html( $(this).hasClass("com-estoque") ? 'ativar' : 'marcar como fora de estoque' )


$(document).on('click', function(e) {
    $('.options ul').hide();
<script src=""></script>
<div class="pagina-produtos-admin">
   <div class="options">
            <li><a href="#" class="com-estoque">ativar</a></li>

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