Error creating global Filters with vuejs


Viewed 102 times


I am trying to create some filters globally in vuejs but am getting error "Failed to resolve filter".

My main.js is like this

import Vue from 'vue';
import VueResource from 'vue-resource';


Vue.filter("teste", function(value){
        return "OK";

2 answers


You probably missed importing the desired filter. What I advise to do in case of a global filter:

  1. Create a separate js file, in a Filters folder for example. Each file will be a filter, example under a simple filter:


export function nameSubstrFormat (name, number = 33) {
  if (name) {
    return name.substring(0, number)

  return ''

The above filter is a file that exports only one function, in which case its functionality is to limit the amount of characters in a string. If nothing passes, returns 33 characters at most.

  1. Now import it into your main.js and call him in his instance Vue:

import { nameSubstrFormat } from './filters/name-substr-format' Vue.filter('nameSubstrFormat', nameSubstrFormat)

  1. To use it directly in your HTML, just call it within an interpolation, after the pipe ("|"), the first parameter becomes the interpolation variable.

<span>{{ nome | nameSubstrFormat(20) }}</span>

Note that it can be used both with variables within your data(), how many computed variables (computed properties).


Your script seems to be right it seems that the problem is in the component, try so:

Vue.filter('teste', function(value) {
   if (value) {
      return 'ok'

     {{ var | teste }}

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