Transpose list of objects


Viewed 113 times


How can I transpose the columns of a table like the one in the image below tabela atual

For this format:

Mercado | Semana 5 | Semana 6
FUT AUD | 0.9986   | 1.0035
FUT CAD | 1.0000   | 1.0062
FUT CHF | 1.0059   | 1.0158

I tested some implementations I found on forums but used var to transpose, and as I need to display the data in a Listview and write to a CSV file, I need a pre-established object.

The number of weeks varies (according to what the user chooses), and there may be N weeks/week columns. It would be good to try to transpose from the list to a Datatable?

  • 1

    for csv file, I think it best to keep in this format, if necessary later by excel for example you can display them pivoting the table. Now for listview, see help:

  • 1


  • With the result may vary, I would make a DTO with the market name, week number and value and in the code itself would group by week to generate the CSV and table. To generate CSV there is a RFC that can help you.

  • How many columns will be fixed?

  • @jean only the column 'Market' is fixed

  • You got something from the links I put in ?

  • 1

    @Rovannlinhalis I didn’t specifically use your links, but they served as the northern resolution (pivot table).

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1 answer


Step-by-step resolution:

Step 1:

I passed the list to a DataTable pre-formatted (equal to image of the question).

var dtable = new DataTable();
            dtable.Columns.Add("Mercado", Type.GetType("System.String"));
            dtable.Columns.Add("NSemana", Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
            dtable.Columns.Add("Variacao", Type.GetType("System.Decimal"));
            foreach(var linha in relatorio.Futuros.Semanas)
               foreach(var registro in linha.MercadoDaSemana)
                    dtable.Rows.Add(new object[] { registro.Mercado.Simbolo, linha.SemanaDoAno, registro.TotalVariacaoMercado });

Step 2:

I pivoted the DataTable with the following algorithm:

 public static class FormatarDados

    public static DataTable ParaPivotTable(DataTable table, string columnX, string columnY, string columnZ, string nullValue, bool sumValues)
        DataTable returnTable = new DataTable();

        if(columnX == string.Empty) { columnX = table.Columns[0].ColumnName; }


        List<string> columnXValues = new List<string>();
        foreach(DataRow dr in table.Rows)
            string columnXTemp = dr[columnX].ToString();
            if (!columnXValues.Contains(columnXTemp))

        if (columnY != string.Empty && columnZ != string.Empty)
            List<string> columnYValues = new List<string>();
            foreach (DataRow dr in table.Rows)
                if (!columnYValues.Contains(dr[columnY].ToString()))

            foreach (string columnYValue in columnYValues)
                DataRow drReturn = returnTable.NewRow();
                drReturn[0] = columnYValue;
                DataRow[] rows = table.Select(columnY + "='" + columnYValue + "'");

                foreach (DataRow dr in rows)
                    string rowColumnTitle = dr[columnX].ToString();

                    foreach (DataColumn dc in returnTable.Columns)
                        if (dc.ColumnName == rowColumnTitle)
                            if (sumValues)
                                    drReturn[rowColumnTitle] = Convert.ToDecimal(drReturn[rowColumnTitle]) + Convert.ToDecimal(dr[columnZ]);
                                    drReturn[rowColumnTitle] = dr[columnZ];
                                drReturn[rowColumnTitle] = dr[columnZ];
            throw new Exception("Não existem colunas para fazer a inversão");

        if (nullValue != string.Empty)
            foreach(DataRow dr in returnTable.Rows)
                foreach(DataColumn dc in returnTable.Columns)
                    if(dr[dc.ColumnName].ToString() == string.Empty)
                        dr[dc.ColumnName] = nullValue;
        return returnTable;

Step 3:

I called the function ParaPivotTable:

  var tblRetorno = FormatarDados.ParaPivotTable(dtable, "NSemana", "Mercado", "Variacao", "-", false);

Step 4: *

I saved the data from the pivot table tblRetorno in a . csv:

CommonEngine.DataTableToCsv(tblRetorno, pathArquivo, ',');

*I used the Filehelpers.

The algorithm of step 2 was the second example of this post here.

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