Place euro symbol in a table


Viewed 153 times


In my consultation I have two column where I do the sum of hours and the sum of the amount to be paid by the client in those hours:

Line summing the hours: CAST(SUM(SEC_TO_TIME(E.teste1))/100 AS DECIMAL (15,2)) AS QTD 1º e 2º Hora

Row summing the amount payable: SUM(CONCAT(E.Valor, '€')) AS Valor 1º e 2º Hora

In mysql you are showing the results in this way as shown in the image:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

By showing the query data in php I want to show the hour column in time format and the column that adds the value to pay with the euro symbol

  • Does not give, returns the values in the column as data type BLOB

  • It worked, in relation to the euro solved and in relation to the hour it can help?

  • I didn’t understand the time. For example: 2.00 would be what?

  • Instead of 2.00 should show up 2:00, because of the form it is, it gives to understand a decimal number. But that is only a detail, otherwise I keep

  • It worked, so it gets a professional presentation. Thank you

  • Dispose friend!

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1 answer


In relation to CONCAT, you are adding to the concatenation, when you should concatenate the sum, and convert the result into CHAR.

Use the function CONVERT, by changing the code to:

CONVERT(CONCAT(SUM(E.Valor), '€'), CHAR(8)) AS `Valor 1º e 2º Hora`
/* o 8 é o tamanho do resultado. altere conforme sua conveniência*/

Regarding the time format of the first query, you can make a REPLACE:

REPLACE(CAST(SUM(SEC_TO_TIME(E.Valor))/100 AS DECIMAL (15,2)), '.', ':')
AS QTD 1º e 2º Hora

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