How to add two events in datepicker?


Viewed 724 times


I need to get the datepicker events added depending on where it is clicked. For example: I need to filter some data per day and I can filter the same data also per month.

But with my code, it’s only working the event of the month because it’s triggered when I click on some day of the following month

      format: "yyyy-mm-dd",
      language: "pt-BR",
      startDate: '+0d'
  }).on('changeDate', function(e) {
      let data = e.format(0,"yyyy-mm-dd");
      location.href  = '/cursos?date=' + data;
  .on('changeMonth',function(e) {
      let obj_mes =;
      let mes = obj_mes.toString().split(' ');
      let mes_ano =  $(".datepicker-switch").html();
      let ano = mes_ano.split(' ');

      location.href  = '/cursos?mes=' + mes[1] + "&ano=" + ano[1];
  • These events will only capture if the user clicks on the datepicker, if he type in the input will not work, I suggest treating everything in "change"

  • But in "change" he misses the event when he changes the year

1 answer


You can capture all changes with onChange and within it compare the change in value on dates to know which logic to apply.

Below is an example with explanatory comments:

    format: "yyyy-mm-dd",
    language: "pt-BR",
    startDate: '+0d'
}).on("change", function(e){  

  //Pego o valor selecionado anteriormente
  var oldValue = $(this).attr("data-value");
  //Se não for a primeira alteração devo comparar as datas:
  if(oldValue != ""){
    date1 = novaData(oldValue);
    date2 = novaData($(this).val());
    if(date1.getFullYear() != date2.getFullYear()){
      console.log("Mudou o ano"); 
      //Coloque sua lógica se mudou ano
    }else if(date1.getMonth()+1 != date2.getMonth()+1){
      console.log("Mudou o mês"); 
      //Coloque sua lógica se mudou o mês
    }else if(date1.getDate() != date2.getDate()){
      console.log("Mudou o dia do mês"); 
      //Coloque sua lógica se mudou o dia do mês
  //Salvo a nova data selecionada no atributo data-value
  $(this).attr("data-value", $(this).val());

//Evita problemas com timezone ao definir a data
function novaData(dataString){
  var partes = dataString.split('-');
  var data = new Date(partes[0], partes[1] - 1, partes[2]); 
  return data;
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>

<!-- crio atributo data-value para armazenar penultima data escolhida -->
<input type="text" name="calendario" id="calendario" data-value="" />

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