Radio button assignment via div


Viewed 702 times


I need to ask a simple questionnaire of questions and answers of multiple choice, in this case I chose the radio button...

In my PHP I’m receiving the posts and I’m already checking the answers with if. My problem is, in the layout there’s no such thing as that little ball of radio button... it just picks up through the for but I don’t know what’s going on that’s not working.

So far he’s this way:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

And it’s supposed to be this way:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

And my code is this:


<div class="block_question1">
                            <li id="pg1_q1">
                                <input name="acerto1" value="acerto1" type="radio" class="selecionar">
                                <label for="acerto1">Red</label>

                            <li id="pg1_q2">
                                <input name="acerto12" type="radio">
                                <label for="">yellow</label>
                            <li id="pg1_q3">
                                <input name="acerto1" type="radio">
                                <label for="">Blue</label>

                            <li id="pg1_q4">
                                <input name="acerto1" type="radio">
                                <label for="">Green</label>


  $('#perguntas-1 #pg1_q1').click(function () {
        $('.block_question1 #pg1_q1').toggleClass('active_answers');
        $("#pg1_q1 .selecionar").css({"visibility":"hidden"});

In short, I want you to click the buttao div and the value is inserted so that php recognizes the post

Obs: If I click on the radio button it works... if I click on the shape of the button it does not apply the value

  • You who are assigned a value to input:radio by clicking on div or in the element li? Why don’t you assign the value to input?

  • I didn’t really understand what you want. It’s for clocar na li or in the div? And after clocar you want the Radio be as the attribute Checked that’s it?

  • I just needed to hide the ball radio, and when clicking on div it inserts value.... when I hide with visibility:hidden the value to function...

1 answer


To label defines a label for an element input, thus improving user usability, which does not need to click on input. For this, it is necessary to associate the for of label of the same value as id of input.

In your case, the ideal would be to put the input within the label and customize the layout directly on it.

See in the example below.

label {
  width: 150px;
  display: block;
  background: #e5d86e;
  margin: 4px 0;
  padding: 10px 0;
  <label for="red"><input type="radio" id="red" value="red" name="color">Red</label>
  <label for="yellow"><input type="radio" id="yellow" value="yellow" name="color">yellow</label>
  <label for="blue"><input type="radio" id="blue" value="blue" name="color">Blue</label>
  <label for="green"><input type="radio" id="green" value="green" name="color">Green</label>

  • but there if I put visibility: Hidden; it stops working, it is not?

  • Yes, it works, but then you check the value of the input checked, whether it is true or false.

  • But why does it only appear true and false? Is there any way to escape from it?

  • Depends on your need. If you need to take the value of that element use the attribute value. If you need to know if the element is checked use checked.

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