Update Cakephp Version to Newer


Viewed 249 times


I have a project in hand with the version of Cakephp 2.2.3, I would like to upgrade to a newer version of the framework, because if I’m not mistaken, it’s already in version 3.5. I’ve seen some links on the Internet and I didn’t understand it very well, someone could give me a direction?

1 answer


Cakephp has changed a lot from version 2.x to version 3.x. The code is incompatible, especially the data query (ORM) part of it.

Cakephp developers made a tool to help - https://github.com/cakephp/upgrade, but she doesn’t perform miracles, especially if her code is large.

Perhaps interesting to migrate to the newer version of cakephp 2, version 2.10. It needs a few tweaks and brings many improvements that have been incorporated into cake 3.

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