White Screen when loading the app in Android Studio


Viewed 879 times


I’m using visual studio to create a mobile app. I used the command "Ionic Cordova run android" to load in my emulator in android studio my application. Apparently it seems to be going, but it just sits on white screen.

I’m using jdk 8, in version 9 it doesn’t even appear the white screen, already with the 8 is like startando my application, but is blank the screen.

  • Android Studio 3.0.1

Note: No errors in my console.

From now on, thank you!

1 answer


I discovered my problem, I was on white screen so, then I decided to open via browser, gave the command:

"Ionic serves"

presented some errors for not being commented some lines of code (lines I wrote note), commented and solved the problem.

I used the command:

Ionic Cordova Platform add android

Ionic Cordova run android

Then opened my application in emulator, both in Nexus 5x and Nexus 5.

I’m with android studio 3.0.1, and jdk 8

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