how do I change the color of an html element based on its value using angular 1.6.4


Viewed 2,185 times


I need to change the color of the student status on the page, and wanted to do this using the angled, can someone help me how I do this using the value of the element?


    <tr ng-repeat="item in filtered = (filterList | filter: {cod_bolsa : clientSearch || undefined}: true) | start: (currentPage - 1) * maxPerPage | limitTo: maxPerPage">

        <td>{{item.nome_aluno | uppercase }}</td>
        <td ng-class="{'green': item.status_aluno == 'Ativo' , 'red': item.status_aluno == 'Cancelado' , 'orange': item.status_aluno == 'Substituído'}">{{item.status_aluno}}</td>
        <td>{{item.tipo_bolsa | uppercase }}</td>


       color: red;
.green {
    color: green;
    color: orange;

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I used the tip given at stackoverflow gringo: but it’s not working.

  • What version of Angular are you using? Because the question quoted is old and why it does not work.

  • version 1.6.4, downloaded via npm

  • 1

    Alter: ng-class="'red': item.status_aluno === 'Ativo'" for ng-class="{'red': item.status_aluno === 'Ativo'}" ... Documentation

  • Functionouuu, thanks it worked ;)

  • do you have any idea how I do for more than one value?

  • is just picking up the green no matter what value I enter in the status table cell

  • found an answer in the gringo stack, valeuu

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2 answers


I found an answer that helped me and adapted my question:


  <table class="table table-striped table-condensed table-hover table-responsive" style="width:100%;" id="lista_bolsas">

                                                <th class="nome_aluno" custom-sort order="'nome_aluno'" sort="sort">Nome do Aluno</th>
                                                <th class="status_indicacao" custom-sort order="'status_indicacao'" sort="sort">Status</th>
                                                <th class="ano_projeto" custom-sort order="'ano_projeto'" sort="sort">Ano vigência inicial</th>
                                                <th class="ano_projeto" custom-sort order="'ano_projeto'" sort="sort">Ano vigência final</th>
                                                <th class="departamento" custom-sort order="'departamento'" sort="sort">Departamento&nbsp;</th>
                                                <th class="professor" custom-sort order="'professor'" sort="sort">Professor Orientador</th>
                                                <th class="tipo_bolsa" custom-sort order="'tipo_bolsa'" sort="sort">Tipo da bolsa</th>
                                            <tr ng-repeat="item in filtered = (filterList | filter: {cod_bolsa : clientSearch || undefined}: true) | start: (currentPage - 1) * maxPerPage | limitTo: maxPerPage">

                                                <td>{{item.nome_aluno | uppercase }}</td>
                                                <td ng-class="{'green':item.status_indicacao=='Ativo','red': item.status_indicacao=='Cancelado','orange': item.status_indicacao=='Substituído'}" >{{item.status_indicacao}}</td>
                                                <td>{{item.tipo_bolsa | uppercase }}</td>
                                                <td style=" width:1%;  white-space:nowrap;">
                                                    <a type='button'
                                                       class='btn btn-default'
                                                       title="Detalhes da nota"
                                                        <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open' aria-hidden='true'></span>


.green {
    color: green;

    color: red;

    color: orange;


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


You tbm could interpolate the status on ng-class and in your css you define the color instead of making this gigantic conditional in your template.

html <td ng-class="item.status_indicacao"...

and in css td.Ativo { color: green; } td.Cancelado { color: red; }

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